Saturday, March 2, 2013

Let's Be Sensible

And all you law-abiding, non-criminal gun owners just give it up. Whatever Melady. Your touchy-feely load of hogwash fails to recognize that there are already laws on the books which cover criminal acts. Please also notice that your holier-than-thou diatribe demonizes inanimate objects rather than the cowards who would turn a gun on a child. 
"Let's drop the false choices. We can honor the Second Amendment and also take reasonable steps to make our communities safer. No hunter or responsible gun owner needs an assault weapon designed to inflict maximum carnage on the battlefield."
What, exactly, is a weapon supposed to do in your estimation? Deploy a feather to tickle a perpetrator until he wets himself and stops his attack out of embarrassment? Sheesh. Go read it.
And, by the way, the Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Policy and Research is some part of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. 

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