Friday, April 19, 2013

So They Lost Because Their Supporters Are Lazy

By way of The Captains Journal.
And oh, there are the excuses. Poor Michael Hirsh has perhaps the best one. ” … it is practically a iron law of politics that the larger the interest group—in this case, the 90 percent of all Americans who want background checks—the less likely it will be able to mobilize against a smaller, more organized and passionate interest group, such as the National Rifle Association.” Nine out of ten people can’t win anything against the one holdout.
I would liken gun control supporters to the single, voice-of-reason holdout on a jury. The one who really understands, and holds dear, the idea of justice, the law, and reasonable doubt. That single person among twelve can ensure that an innocent man goes free. 
It takes guts and determination to stand your ground when being browbeaten by those who want to make an emotional decision and get back to work and families, rather than truly consider what that hasty decision will do to another human being or the rights of future generations. 
Just say "Guilty"and we can all go home, just say "Gun Control" and everything will be better. "Wrong," says the man of strong heart, "protect the innocent, protect the rights of law-abiding citizens." Gun rights advocates did just that and, thankfully, the Senate listened. I'm proud you and I were part of that effort. I personally would rather be part of an "organized and passionate" minority than a lazy majority any day.

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