Thursday, April 25, 2013

Things Are Different Now Chuck, That's How

I hope these things don't pass and we never reach an "I told you so" moment. Despite Alan Gottlieb being involved in their crafting (don't like that man like I used to), it isn't a good idea to give up something really important to get something else you never should have lost in the first place.
"How were we able to pass these bills in 1994? The broad middle rose up and said 'we want rational laws on guns.' Why? Because crime was ripping apart America," Schumer said. "Rightly or wrongly, those two bills were blamed for Democrats losing control of the House and the Senate and for 20 years, not much happened. And these mass shootings have caused the broad middle to rise up again."
Knee-jerk reactions rise again. Go read it.

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