Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Eeek, a Gun!

And it's made of plastic. Whatever shall we do? Criminals could make one in their own home. Sheesh. Settle down there Max/Carter before you wet yourselves.
Critics already perceived the recent gun bill to be inadequate to the challenge of gun violence; criminals and psychopaths need only wait for the printers to get cheaper before they can make all sorts of evil in their basements. And Congress will still be chasing the gun shows. . .
People can already make their own gun and more laws won't stop anyone from doing just that. Just ask prison guards who find homemade firearms in prisons. Can't stop it there, can't stop it in the outside world. And, it's not illegal to make your own, unreported gun, BTW.
What makes the 3D-printed gun so dangerous is that it muddies the waters of the gun control debate in a way that makes it harder for proponents of gun control and technologists to agree on exactly what they mean.
Ummm, what?
Interesting this.
Fewer than 1 percent of state prison inmates who possessed a gun when they committed their offense obtained the firearm at a gun show, the report said. Gun shows were central to the measure recently rejected in the Senate: ...
So maybe gun-controllers have it wrong, hmmm? I mean if the Justice Department said it, it must be true.
Go read it.

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