Monday, June 3, 2013

U-Turn! Or Maybe Just Kinda Veering Off a Little

Hey Bub, we goofed. We know we're supposed to do things a certain way, but if we do it like that people will get wise and won't let us continue to do it the way we want. So, we'll keep doing it like this (which is to say, poorly) and just back a few things up, but only a little. Connecticut just can't get it right.
In response to the December murders of 20 school children and six educators at a Newtown elementary school, the legislature passed a bill in early April containing a number of new gun control restrictions. The bill was drafted by lawmakers from both parties through a special committee process which took place outside the traditional legislative process.
Critics of the law have filed lawsuits seeking to have it declared unconstitutional. Some opponents have alleged that portions of the new law are too vague for residents, gun shop owners, and firearms manufacturers to apply.
When will people--read that "the voting public"--learn? Go read it.

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