Saturday, March 30, 2013

Thanks Rick!

I'm wondering if I need to consider a carer change. Firearms manufacturing might be interesting. Suppose they'll have positions for someone with no machining experience outside of high school shop?
As debates over gun control intensify across the nation, Mr. Perry and some of his colleagues in the Texas Legislature are pushing to have more weapons of that sort made in the state. Mr. Perry said his office had sent letters to 34 different firearms and accessories manufacturers in other states, particularly where stricter gun and ammunition laws are being considered or passed, encouraging them to relocate to Texas.
I'm hoping we'll hear a thundering noise from manufacturers stampeding here soon.
“Gun manufacturers and people in that industry have been under attack by states who are threatening their Second Amendment rights,” (State Senator Craig) Estes said. “We want them to realize that Texas is open for business and Texas is a gun-friendly state.”
Come on down, indeed. Go read it.

Read This One

Seriously. You, dear reader, need to read what this man told Mike Vanderboegh, don't skip this one
They must suppress their innate "live and let live" philosophy...
I realized this about a year ago. I was finally spurred to action after Newtown, knowing that those who advocate gun control would push for more legislation "for the good of society" and "to protect the children." Emails, letters and finally this blog are the result of that. If I influence just one person to understand my point-of-view it will all have been worth it. 
It's time for all supporters of the Second Amendment to face the fact that erosion is a slow, incremental process. Giving ground now will mean that we have less to stand on in the future. NO new gun laws. Go read it.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Good On Her at Age 72

A 26-year-old Youngstown man got a surprise when he broke into a South Side home, police said.
I'm sayin. Go read it.


Sean Sorrentino over at NC Gun Blog has it. Lots of it. Go read it, then do a little victory dance like I did (don't be embarrassed, it's a good thing) . If Sean ever comes to Texas I want to buy him dinner. Many thanks to David Codrea for being so prolific and pointing this one out.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Who Needs a Rolling Pin?

”it’s not something you expect on a Sunday morning. You’re headed out for church and you just hear a man calling for you from across the street who’s been shot. You certainly don’t see that everyday.”  
Go read it.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Good On Her

"She was lucky she knew how to use a handgun and lucky she had it. Because If she hadn't, we might be going to a funeral," he said. "I'm proud of her."
Go read it.


Noise and Blather. Go read it.

Hold It Right There Mister

Evidently the background check process isn't so easy. Mark Kelly will have to find somewhere else to attempt to make his lame point. Go read it.

Well Said

Drop by over at Sipsey Street and Mike will send you to an excellent letter from a retired military officer to his Senator. Texas, my Texas.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Yup Yup

These guys get it. Go read it.


Here's an idea. Make it cool to have a small, covert surveillance device which can potentially be weaponized. Create an atmosphere where law enforcement agencies and civilian hobbyists beg to get one and then--wait for it--scoop them all up under your loving, tyrannical protective wing when crunchtime comes.
Worse yet, both Democrats and Republicans are now openly discussing a plan to put all the drones flown in America's skies, including those owned and operated by local police departments, under the ultimate supervision of the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Justice, consolidating the country's surveillance and law enforcement powers under one powerful federal police jurisdiction.
Or maybe just when the mood strikes.
The department also plans to use its drones, and their attached cameras to surveil and police sporting events, political events and large public gatherings.
The problem with DHS's plans is that many of the above functions used to be handled by local law enforcement without any help from the federal government.
This is really no surprise is it? Build up of the domestic police force and its associated surveillance capabilities marches on. Go read it.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Counting Chickens

is a bad idea before they have hatched, but this is a pretty good rundown from a political reporter in England. 
It's now more than 100 days since the Sandy Hook shooting at an elementary school in Newton, Connecticut. The families of the victims have argued passionately for increased gun control, which has more support among the American public than for decades. Yet US gun laws may barely be changed by Sandy Hook at all.
It's going to be a battle. Let's just be sure to make it an uphill one for gun control supporters. Even if you don't read it be sure to go check out the sweet teacup grip photo. Go read it.

If Michael Bloomberg Gets To

Why is it that when the common man calls a senator who will introduce legislation that has a nationwide impact (read that Dianne Feinstein and her assault weapons ban), but is not a senator in his state he gets brushed off as not being a constituent. But when a billionaire decides to send his Super PAC money to a bunch of other states it's okay?
Determined to persuade Congress to act in response to that shooting, Mr. Bloomberg on Monday will begin bankrolling a $12 million national advertising campaign that focuses on senators who he believes might be persuaded to support a pending package of federal regulations to curb gun violence.
Go read it.
Oh yeah, that's because he isn't the only one with money, though this money really does represent some real people.
Mr. LaPierre said that gun owners would make up a political counterweight to the mayor. “We have people all over, millions of people, sending us $5, $10, $15, $20 checks, saying, ‘Stand up to this guy that says we can only have three bullets,’ which is what he said,’’ Mr. LaPierre said. “ ‘Stand up to this guy that says ridiculous things like the N.R.A. wants firearms with nukes on them.’ I mean, it’s insane, the stuff he says.’’
Go read this one, too.
And when you read stuff like this,
Mr. Bloomberg said the N.R.A.’s power was “vastly overrated.’’ Moreover, he said he was “cautiously optimistic’’ that Congress would follow public opinion and vote for stricter gun controls. The Senate is expected to begin debate on gun legislation next month after it returns from a two-week break for the Easter and Passover holidays.
remember that the NRA represents actual people, not just money, and there is a little politcal whitewashing going on concerning the "mandate" touted by many on Capitol Hill. The Democrat swing in the Senate, where the current gon control legislation is being discussed, makes it feel as if there is a positive public opinion nationwide. Anything that gets past the Senate doesn't stand a chance in the House, but keep on your Representatives and Senators, they need to be reminded who's boss.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Putting Them Together

Two and two, that is.
In the letter to DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano, Huelskamp wrote that it had "become clear" that DHS was "purchasing vast quantities of ammunition" and that "estimates show that this ... would be enough for 24 Iraq wars." The Kansas congressman also said the timing of the purchase was "of great interest" because of gun control legislation currently being pushed by the Obama administration.
Follow it back to who signed the purchase requests. Paint by numbers. Go read it.

Why Not?

As we have noted, DHS has been buying lots of ammo, enough by one calculation to fight the equivalent of a 24-year Iraqi War.
1.6 billion rounds which is alleged to have now creeped up to 2 billion. Why won't DHS answer questions from congress? Go read it.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Don't Let It Play You

Just went back and dug this one up. I was reading the podcast notes for Episode 27 over at and it dredged up the emotion/reaction thing. Sorry Ben, I'm behind on podcasts so I haven't listened, yet.
The idea of the "Monkey Dance" is one that is hard to forget once it has been introduced. Preclusion/deescalation has worked for me a number of times throughout my life--more than I can count--even before I was smart enough to know what I was doing. In my youth, there was a whole lot of the three S's involved, too, to be totally honest. Still, I talked a lot more guys down than not, thankfully.
Now, being a "heads up" kind of guy has created a lot of step 1 moments. Moving away from the challenge without causing the other guy to feel slighted can be easy or difficult depending on the situation, but now that I have a CHL it seems to be easier to deescalate or redirect. Maybe that's attributable to a difference in mindset. My understanding is that it is my responsibility not to let some idiot force things to get out of control. That's a much better base from which to work than letting the game play you.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Thursday, March 21, 2013

More Movement

Looks like more companies are making plans to move based on potential legislation. 
"I've gotten unsolicited letters," Bernstein said, not just from Virginia, but Kentucky, Florida, Texas, Nebraska all offers to provide a place for LWRCI to do business if Maryland passes the proposed gun control bill.
Makes sense to leave. Come to Texas. Go read it.

Good On Ya

When local Sheriffs feel compelled to get involved, as a group, in a legal fight there has to be trouble. New legislation signed by Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper is vague enough that he felt it necessary to clarify it with a signing statement on Wednesday.
“Any highly contentious bill is never going to be perfect,” said Hickenlooper.
Then make it perfect before you sign it into law. That's a no-brainer right there. Go read it.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Could It Be, Mr. Biden

That the will of the people caused the assault weapons ban legislation to be dropped? 
We are going to continue to push for logical, gun safety regulations. Eventually the will of the people is going to prevail...
Wow, really? And this,
"When you go to registration, it raises all the black-helicopter-crowd notion that what this is all about is identifying who has a gun so that one day the government can get up and go to the house and arrest everyone who has a gun, and they’ll cite Nazi Germany and all that."
Sheesh. Let's marginalize those who have studied history and recognize a consistent pattern. Whatever double-barrel Joe. Go read it.

Wait...'re supposed to do what I tell you, not fight back. Ouch. Go read it.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

'Cause It's Stupid, That's Why

In New York:
Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver says leaders are discussing returning to a 10-bullet limit, which is standard in the industry that doesn't make seven-bullet magazines.
but there's a certain lack of harmony,
Soon after, Cuomo said no such proposal was discussed in the closed-door meeting with Silver and other legislative leaders.
Go read it.

There Are Four Rules

This guy didn't pay attention. He committed a crime and broke the rules, too. Go read it.

Monday, March 18, 2013


Don't tear down Ted Cruz within earshot of Mark Levin.
“Well, you know, ladies and gentlemen, there is a concerted effort to attack our dear friend Ted Cruz, the great senator from Texas, by all manner of miscreant malcontent lightweights,” Levin said.
Wow. Go read it.


Thanks ISRA for making me feel a little better anyway. 
"We've been a bit skeptical of the reports in the media claiming that firearm owners support gun control," commented ISRA Executive Director Richard Pearson .  "Although our poll was not strictly scientific, it tends to support what we know intuitively.  That being that firearm owners stand strongly by the 2nd Amendment while eschewing gun bans, licensing and registration."
This non-scientific survey also turned up something I've felt.
We did find it unsettling however that about 75% of respondents say they feel less welcome in the United States than they did 5 years ago.
I think I've learned that I can live with not everyone liking me. How about you? Go read it.

What Could Happen...

...if we had registration like in Australia.
He said it was their homes that were at risk of burglary with thieves seemingly well aware of who had guns and exactly how and where they were stored in the house.
Go read it.

One-sided consideration... no consideration at all. I know it's a teensy little opinion on the internet, but this is the "opinion" of someone who thinks he is informed. This is what proponents are up against. Mr. Frank Weaver believes it's about control and, as far as that goes, he is right. What Mr. Weaver doesn't understand is the lengths others would go to for the amount of control they want. All the shotguns and rifles he saw around him in his youth will eventually be gone as well. 
Here's a gem,
I don’t own a gun. Never have. Not that I’m against them. It’s just that I don’t have any use for them. 
So you, sir, are surely an expert in understanding all the consequences, unintended or otherwise, and should lend your opinion about legislation, correct?
I’ve shot guns and I’ve enjoyed doing so. It’s self-satisfying knowing you can hit a small, paper, bullseye target from an established distance.
Ah, you really are an expert, then.
Isn’t that one of the ulterior reasons we go to war…to prevent enemy countries from taking over and controlling our children…to make sure they enjoy the same freedoms we have?
Um, maybe you should try to listen to yourself a little closer. This is a war, a legislative one currently, and proponents of the Second Amendment are fighting for that very reason. Stop being clueless and trying to control us and our children. 

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Well Argued

Watch this understanding that it is not against police officers, just a particular officer's words in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee. Go read it and then go watch it.

This Is What It Will Look Like

Slow and small. Just an "innocent," creeping takeover. And the powers that be will say, "See, we're just protecting you from the evil, felonious, deranged people." Until everyone qualifies as an evil person, except anyone who is associated with those in power. Everyday folks need to pay attention. Go read it.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Friday, March 15, 2013

I Want to be Like Mike

If only. Thanks for the hat tip, sir.
Find your third tier news here at a polite society. For the top tier stuff go to Sipsey Street Irregulars.

See Ted

See Ted go. Go, Ted go! See Diane. Tell Diane no. No, Diane no!
"I'm not a sixth grader"
...though I'm prone to act like one. Did I mention I don't like you messing around in my sandbox? Go read it.

Ugh, Really?


Thursday, March 14, 2013

Pie in the Sky

Wayne LaPierre would never say it and the ACLU would never agree to it. Go read it.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Spam filters have weeded out most of what would probably have made sense as a rebuttal to this weak sauce diatribe on gun control in Colorado. Go read it. Don't, however, expect to see your comment in the comments section.

Texas Politics

Here's an update on bills moving through the Texas legislature. Go read it. I'm particularly interested in HB 627. Thanks Matt Krause.

More Mark Kelly Hypocrisy

Points raised by the master, David Codrea, over at the Examiner. Not that I expect answers from Kelly, but they are good questions nonetheless. Go read it.

It's Growing, Run!

I was just discussing the IRS with a friend yesterday. I hadn't considered how their changing (read that increasing) responsibilities would throw a wrench into the works moreso than before. Decisions on enforcement should be at the top of everyone's mind right now...there are billions of bullets just sitting around after all. Go read it.

Very Interesting

This would never even be considered in our current system, but after a reboot of some sort that may be a different story. Originally proposed in 2005, The Preemptive Offender at has in interesting take indeed. Go read it.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

You're Joking, Right?

Knitted balls, really? I seriously checked the address to be sure I hadn't stumbled across a story on The Onion. 
"making an area look cosier certainly makes an area feel safer."
Go read it.

Plans To Do What Now?

Hypocrite turned liar to turn criminal? I was going to leave this one alone, but it's hard to ignore the poop when it's rolling around ankle deep. Mark Kelly, husband of Gabby Giffords, plans to sell his AR across state lines to determine ease of being a criminal. Is there a local law enforcement official keeping an eye on this? How does he plan to sell it and then get it back to turn it in, eventually? 
Kelly posted the purchase on his Facebook page. He next plans to sell the assault rifle across state lines to see how easy it is to do, and he will eventually turn the assault weapon in to police. 
I'll just keep my mouth closed and shake my head over this one. Go read it. 

Monday, March 11, 2013

For Texas CHLers

Here's a site I've been a member of for a while, It's a very convenient place to go check before you head out for shopping, dining and movie or whatever. A quick search will indicate if a place of business might be a "gun-free zone" before you go. It includes a Wall of Shame for businesses in Texas with multiple no-go locations. Break out those "No Guns equals No Money" cards if you've got 'em and submit new locations when you see 'em.

Action Speak Louder Than Words

More people should think like this:
"It is better to educate the public, and especially our children, that they should be vigilant, should be aware of their environment, should travel in groups, and should immediately report any early indicators of potential violence," he said. "Ultimately that will pay off far more than this armor."
I thought bulletproof fashion was pretty interesting and a cool niche right up until I read this:

The Colombian company's founder and namesake, Miguel Caballero, impresses visitors to his Bogota factory by routinely shooting ballistic-clad employees with a .38-caliber revolver. Unfazed, the employees take off the gear and go back to work.
Wow. I'm guessing he takes out no-fault life insurance policies on all his employees payable to the company. Go read it.

What's That Smell?

I think someone stepped in politician and tracked it in the house. Go read it.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Yes, He's Serious

Wow, just wow. It's California. He could get elected. Go read it.

Dial Up The Shame

Generally I'm not a fan of Dallas Mayor Michael Rawlings because of his stance on gun control, but in this instance I can appreciate his comments and what he is trying to accomplish. Thankfully I have never witnessed domestic violence as is referenced here. I did, however, convince my mother to leave her second husband before her marriage to him turned into something more violent.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Student of the

Whatever, but I'm thinking about guns for this one. Having just come back from what I feel was a successful training outing last weekend, I was thinking about getting firearms instructors take on what makes a good student. Being a good student vs. an ideal student and even if they might share what they find most rewarding and maybe even what makes them really nervous would be nice to know.
My take on being a good student is show up with a good attitude, all the equipment recommended and go 100 percent.
So, I'm going to go ask around and I'll let you know what I find out.

Note to Self

Create some "overdue" utility bills...just in case. Go read it.

Sure Shots

Learn it ladies, because you can't count on anyone else to come to your defense. That and it's just darn fun. Go read it.
Just don't get me started on Captain Kirk rolls.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Loving Texas

Mainly because of this guy and a bunch of our folks in D.C. 
“Banning guns that look scary to Dianne Feinstein is not going to make the country safer.”
Go read it.

Feedburner RSS Feed

Hey! I got a RSS feed subscription button installed. Please subscribe!

This Is Why

An armed society is a polite society. Gun control is racist, plain and simple. Go read it.

Drop the F-bomb

then brush of constituent concerns about protecting themselves from a tyrannical government as, "'s not about anything." Wow, just wow. He doesn't get it. The reason he was feeling defensive is because what he did is really indefensible. Go read it.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Beyond Concealed Carry

A Review of the March 2, 2013 DFW Class
No one wants to be "that guy," but it turned out that I was, even if only for a minute. You know that guy, the one who has what looks like an epic fail in a class. Mine wasn't so epic, check that, it kinda was, either way it was definitely a teachable moment. In the close up drill where we were almost within touching distance of the target, I drew my XD and somewhere in the middle of everything I managed to release the magazine. The string of fire was over and, thanks to electronic hearing protection, I heard my mag hit the dirt. I don't even think I realized the weight change when the mag let go. All I knew was that the mag hit the ground and instructor Ben Branam was right behind me, as though by magic or some divinely-inspired instructor-sense guided him there for that exact moment. 

More Evidence

Of questionable ideas gone wrong. Seems like when the government gets involved there's trouble. This one might be difficult to get through, but it's just more of the same. Go read it.
Hat tip to Brett C.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

What Happens When...

...this thing is carrying a belt-fed something-or-other on its back with a remote operator? Just a little bit creepy. Something to think about. Go watch it.
Hat tip to MrMnmn911.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Food For Thought

Over at Herschel Smith's Captain's Journal. Found through the always excellent The War on Guns blog from David Codrea. Now is the time to start answering questions posed there and more. Go read it.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Too Much Fun

I know, it's not really possible to have too much fun, but the Beyond Concealed Carry class with Bob and Ben was probably about as close as one can get without actually getting there. I've been putting down notes as I think back about the class and I should have a coherent write up in the next day or so. I may even post a video to my youtube channel. We'll see how ambitious I get. I managed to leave my camera at home in the tumble to get out the door, so don't get too hopeful.

Be The Weapon

'Cause you'll always be with you. Best advice of the whole video is to get out of the building. Better advice would be to spread out away from your armed teacher. Go watch it.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Ya Think?

Rushed? Really? How about the subsequent arrests of citizens essentially five minutes after the stupid thing was signed? Feeling guilty about that much? Go read it.

Let's Be Sensible

And all you law-abiding, non-criminal gun owners just give it up. Whatever Melady. Your touchy-feely load of hogwash fails to recognize that there are already laws on the books which cover criminal acts. Please also notice that your holier-than-thou diatribe demonizes inanimate objects rather than the cowards who would turn a gun on a child. 
"Let's drop the false choices. We can honor the Second Amendment and also take reasonable steps to make our communities safer. No hunter or responsible gun owner needs an assault weapon designed to inflict maximum carnage on the battlefield."
What, exactly, is a weapon supposed to do in your estimation? Deploy a feather to tickle a perpetrator until he wets himself and stops his attack out of embarrassment? Sheesh. Go read it.
And, by the way, the Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Policy and Research is some part of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. 

Friday, March 1, 2013

Getting Ready

Pulling everything together for class tomorrow. Maybe I'll get off my hindquarters and shoot some photos along with the pistols. I'll do a thorough after action as quick as I can.